Tips for staying hydrated in the summer

Benefits of a Drinking Water System

Second only to oxygen in importance for health, water is the basis for the life of all living things. Over 60% of the human body is made up of water. It is not only essential for maintaining blood circulation, flushing water, supplying nutrients throughout the body, and stabilizing the heartbeat, but it also aids in […]

Kinetico Water Treatment Systems Perfect for Commercial Businesses

CGC Water installed a Kinetico reverse osmosis system at a Chick-Fil-A

It isn’t just homeowners that can benefit from having a good water filtration or water softening system to clean up their water. Commercial businesses can benefit too. There are a number of businesses whose clients and processes could benefit from a commercial or industrial-grade water softening or water filtration system, including condominium and apartment buildings, […]

Having Guests for the Holidays? Make Sure Your Water Systems are Ready!

Signing up for a maintenance contract keeps your home water systems operating efficiently.

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a crimp in many holiday plans, but that doesn’t mean your family members aren’t still planning to come over and bring the fruit cake and green bean casserole. If you are planning to have holiday guests over in December, it is a good idea to make sure your water systems […]

Thanksgiving Dinner: How Much Water Is on Your Plate?

Thanksgiving Dinner: How Much Water Is on Your Plate?

Did you know the average American family wastes 180 gallons of water per week? That’s 9,400 gallons a year! Water waste doesn’t just come from washing hands or taking showers. It also comes from the food you eat, and Thanksgiving dinners use a lot of water.  From the water used to grow vegetables to that […]

Leak Detection 101: How to Detect Leaking Water

Plumbing Services

In an average household, one person uses between 80 and 100 gallons of water in just one day. That might seem like a big number, but then imagine a whole families’ water usage. Even worse, imagine the water being wasted if there is a leak you haven’t caught on to yet. On top of the […]

How do Kinetico’s Commercial Products provide quality outside the home?


From large industrial applications to households, water sustains life. Kinetico is a renowned name in the world, offering a wide range of products manufactured in the USA. Kinetico’s products have gained the trust of its broad customer base for years and are determined to provide clean and clear water free from all impurities. Kinetico water […]

Top Reasons to Install a Home Water System

Tap Water

Do you use groundwater, a private well or municipally supplied tap water in your home? Did you know water from these sources can contain high levels of waterborne contaminants and settled minerals? The combination of contaminants and minerals not only make it unfit for consumption and daily hygiene routines, it can also lead to significant […]

How Will You Have Clean Water After a Severe Storm?


When news reports show the broken homes, flooded streets, and widespread devastation, one of the most important things you’ll need after a storm is access to clean drinking water. Storms and water emergencies are unpredictable. Waiting until the last minute to ensure you have access is a luxury you can’t afford. High winds and rain […]

Reverse Osmosis Systems & Carbon Filtration: What’s the Difference?


If you have been looking at home drinking water systems, chances are you’re seeing a lot of information about reverse osmosis filtration and carbon block. These are two of the most popular filtration water systems for the home. So, what’s the difference? Key differences between Drinking Water Systems Carbon block and reverse osmosis methods both […]

Celebrate Earth Day with Eco-Friendly Water Systems!

Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to stop and consider how we can do better at reducing water waste. Water isn’t something to take for granted – its one of our most valuable resources. We should know the value of eco-friendly water systems. At CGC, we know the importance of environmentally friendly water treatment systems. […]